About Us

We are proud of our heritage and of the humble beginnings of which this company started. In 1921 William Velting, Sr. started digging out basements under houses that just had cellars. He would jack up the house, excavate the dirt out and pour new walls and floor, then gently removed the jacks after it was complete. It sounds scary but it must have gone well because he ended up doing this to the majority of houses on Heritage Hill in downtown Grand Rapids.
In trying to compete in the construction industry today, quality and service are what separates us from our competition. Our longevity, stability and experience are the proof of our reputation. But the real reason for our success over the years is that God has truly blessed Velting Contractors. It is our faith that motivates us to treat our employees, suppliers, vendors and customers with fairness and respect. Integrity is hard to maintain in the business arena but it is our commitment to those we do business with. We strive to honor God in everything we do.